When is It Time to Hire a Marketing Agency for Your Insurance Business?
It’s not unusual for insurance professionals to handle their own marketing—at least in the beginning. Sometimes you don’t have much choice—you don’t have the budget for extra help.
But hiring a marketing agency can be worth it in so many ways—not least being, it can bring you more leads, raise your revenue, and save you time.
There are marketing agencies and services for all budgets, but it can still be a difficult thing to decide to outsource your marketing. Here are a few signs it’s time to make the leap.
Your revenue is lagging.
If you’ve noticed your revenue has hit a wall, it may be that you’ve taken things as far as you can on your own—and just don’t have the resources, time, or know-how to take things to the next level. This is where a marketing company can really help.
A marketing firm can take a look at your current messaging and target audience, redefine your pitch to reach them more effectively, and put more time and expertise toward driving revenue and leads than you have.
You’re strapped for time.
Maybe you’re great at marketing, and have a detailed plan for driving more leads in the coming few months or new year. But if you rarely follow through on those plans—especially when things get busy—it may be time to hire some help.
A marketing firm will make sure your marketing plan gets done. This has the added benefit of evening out the “feast or famine” revenue situation that so many small business owners find themselves in when they can’t market consistently.
You hate doing marketing.
If you have the time and the strategy but find yourself dreading handling marketing tasks, you may not be getting the best results possible.
Audiences often pick up on this kind of thing. If you’re not enthusiastic about your audience outreach, they’ll notice—and your sales will suffer. Not to mention it may be hard for you to dedicate the time, even when you have it.
If you hire a marketing agency, they’ll be people who love marketing—and that enthusiasm will come through. This translates to better results.
You aren’t a professional marketer.
Marketing is one of those things most people think they can do—and it’s true that many self-taught individuals have built up great expertise in it.
But if you’re not seeing optimal results on your marketing, it may be time to work with a marketing company. This move will save you time, take a huge task off your plate—and often it will pay for itself.
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