How to Make Your Insurance Website More Consumer-Friendly
According to a recent Statista survey, there are projected to be over 230.5 million online shoppers in the US in 2021—a significant portion of the country’s population. There’s no question that people are becoming more and more accustomed to making purchasing decisions entirely online. And that’s as true for insurance as it is for other industries.
It’s increasingly important for your website to be convenient and easy for people to find the information they’re looking for and make purchasing decisions with little friction. Here are a few tips for making your insurance website more user-friendly.
Navigation should be easy. The first step is making your layout easy and intuitive to use. Headers, bulleted lists, and design elements all contribute to making it easy for people to find what they’re looking for on your website, whether that’s information about a specific policy or an automatic quote.
It should be mobile-friendly. A lot of people conduct research on their phones before buying—approximately 40%, according to a recent Pixel Union survey. And according to the same survey, 55% of people have made a purchase on their phone, particularly after discovering something on social media.
This suggests both that social media advertising is important to direct purchasing—and that if you want to reach consumers in the research stage of buying insurance, your website needs to be easily navigable on any device.
Make your call to action clear. What action do you want people to take when they get to your site? What does your sales cycle look like?
Do you want customers to call you? Get in touch via email? Get a free automatic quote? Whatever the next step is, make it very clear and easy to do on your home page and all your landing pages—via design and copy.
Provide automatic online quotes. Many customers these days expect to be able to go to an insurance website and get a free quote without having to call an agent. This is now a very important part of most consumer-facing insurance websites.
Be sure your quote tool is streamlined—or perhaps serve a different one to people looking for different kinds of insurance, so prospects aren’t asked a lot of questions that aren’t relevant to them. It’s crucial to make the process as easy and friction-free as possible.
Offer online help chat. It can be more difficult to purchase insurance than it is to buy, say, a new pair of shoes online. Your customers may have questions—but if they can’t get their questions answered easily on your site, they may go somewhere else.
You can simplify things for them and lessen the friction by providing an online help chat function—either automated or manned by customer service agents—where customers can ask insurance questions and get help without having to pick up the phone.
It’s crucial for insurance websites to be as easy to use and navigate as possible—and you can improve your website’s usability by making your call to action clear, simplifying navigation, offering an online chat feature and making online quotes easily available. These aren’t the only things you can do to improve navigation, but chances are if you do take these actions, you’ll see a boost in results.
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