New Ideas for Reaching Out to Your Customers Over the Holidays
For many people, the 2020 holidays will not be ideal. But you can still reach out to your customers and bring joy in an impactful way—even in the midst of a challenging holiday.
One way to do it is to run a holiday contest—one with a really great prize. This is an area where your community connections can really help you.
Partner with a local restaurant or store to offer a prize that people will love—especially one that’s COVID-safe: for instance, a nice dinner to go, an online gift certificate that doesn’t require going into a store, or a gift basket of really great holiday-themed items to put under the tree.
Share the contest throughout all your platforms—social media, email newsletter, your website, and anywhere else you market. Encourage others to share your message by offering an extra entry in the drawing.
Giving holiday gifts is one way to reach out—another way is to be a font of valuable information. Consider how the holidays impact the type of insurance you sell and the risks your customers face, and offer them valuable content on how to avoid those risks.
For instance, there are more drunk drivers on the road on New Year’s Eve than on any other evening in the year. If you sell auto insurance, this might be a topic your customers should know about—and that you can write about with some authority.
Write an article highlighting the risks of driving at different points in the holiday season, and tips for safely avoiding those risks.
Another tactic you could take is to empathize with people’s struggles. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended a lot of people’s cherished holiday traditions, and many people are dealing with job losses, illness in the family, and other issues that make this holiday more difficult than in years past.
For this reason, an aggressively cheery message may be the wrong tone for some people. Try writing a holiday message that acknowledges that things may not be ideal, but still strikes a message of hope.
The holidays can be a great time to reach out and make connections with your audience. Try offering a really great Christmas gift in partnership with other local businesses, writing content that informs and educates, and meeting people where they are in a challenging holiday.
With these tactics, you should be able to build relationships that last long after the pandemic has ended.
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