Should You Use Online Video Marketing For Your Insurance Business?
There are lots of different ways you can market your insurance business online. Using online apps like Tiktok, YouTube, or Vimeo can be effective, but they can also be time-consuming. As with any social media platform, you have to decide where your investment will be most effective—in both money and time.
However, video marketing could turn out to be your secret weapon. According to a recent Oberlo study, approximately 85% of consumers watch online video content. That’s a lot of opportunity.
Here are a few reasons you should consider incorporating online video in your insurance marketing strategy.
Because video works in getting your message across
According to a roundup of recent surveys by LemonLight, those who watch a video remember 95% of the message—but those who read a written message remember just 10% of it.
In addition, 85% of marketers report that videos are effective in getting a prospect’s attention. That’s a pretty high rate of success.
Because video helps you break down complex topics
Saying that insurance can be a complex, opaque topic to non-professionals is a statement everyone can agree with.
Video provides a great opportunity to make complicated insurance concepts accessible and understandable to prospects and the general public. You can use a variety of visual tools to explain your point and build trust.
Because video makes you accessible
Another thing that’s great about video is that it helps viewers see you as a human being, and get a sense of your personality. If you’re funny, empathetic, personable, or really knowledgeable about your topic—all those things can work in your favor.
Insurance tends to be a fairly formal industry. But it’s also built on trust and relationships. For consumers, part of building that trust and those relationships involves making yourself approachable and forming an emotional connection. Video helps you do that.
Because online video may be more effective than television ads
According to a recent ThinkWithGoogle survey, the video platform YouTube reaches more people in the 18-to-49 demographic than any television network, either broadcast or cable.
There’s no question that video can be a powerful tool in your insurance marketing arsenal. People tend to remember messages they see on video far more than messages in writing. Marketers vouch for its effectiveness.
And—perhaps most importantly of all—video helps you break down complex concepts, answer consumer questions, and develop an approachable rapport with your customers. All these are great reasons to give online video marketing a try.
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