Set Up an Insurance Business Facebook Page (in Five Easy Steps)
According to Facebook’s own operational report, the platform had 1.73 billion daily active users in March 2020—and that number keeps going up.
Facebook may not be the first platform you think of when considering where to network as an insurance agent or broker—LinkedIn tends to be the preferred platform for those in the insurance industry.
However, chances are everyone in your target audience is on Facebook—and it has great capacity for targeted advertising. So it’s worthwhile to maintain a presence there.
Here’s how to set up your business Facebook page.
- Create your business page through your personal account
Business Facebook pages are generally created using a personal account. So log into your regular Facebook account, and click on “Create” on the right-hand side of the toolbar.
Then click on the first option on the drop-down menu: “Page.” From here, choose “Business or Brand.”
From here, you can give your page a name—preferably the same name as your business so you’re easy to find—and then choose the appropriate category for your business.
- Upload a cover photo and profile pic
If you already have a personal Facebook page (which you do, if you’re setting up a business page), then you know how this works. But what you choose to represent your business may be quite different than what you have on your personal profile.
Many people use a logo as their profile pic on a Facebook business page. That’s not a bad choice, but insurance is a business built on personal relationships—so it makes more sense to use a professional-looking photo of you as a profile pic.
The cover photo should be visually attractive and provide a good representation of your business. This may be a picture of your employees or your office if it’s in a nice location, a scene from your town if your business is mostly local, or something else that represents you. Cover photos should be at least 400 x 150 pixels.
- Invite your friends to “Like” your page
The next step is to get some initial likes by pinging your existing contacts. This is a good way to get an audience to start with.
Fill in your About page
You can find your “About” section in the left-hand menu. Include information on what you do, the kinds of insurance you sell, who you sell to, and other pertinent details—such as your business hours, contact info, and a link to your website.Include a call-to-action button
Facebook gives you the option to add a button that appears on the top right of your page, just below your cover photo. It’s free, and lets you add a call-to-action that will help you generate more leads. To add one, just click “Add a button” on the left below the cover image on your page.
There are a few options, including “Contact You,” “Book With You,” and “Learn More.” Most insurance agents pick “Contact You,” but go with the one that best suits your sales cycle.
Now that you’ve got your page set up, you’re ready to start posting, creating targeted ads, and participating in groups where your target audience spends time. Hopefully your new Facebook page will bring in plenty of leads and new business!
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