How to Develop a Content Strategy for Your Insurance Blog
Fresh, original content. Search engines love it—and so do your visitors. As an insurance agent, you can build your credibility, generate leads, and make your website an informative destination for visitors by running a successful blog.
But what goes into an insurance blog? To do it right, you need to discuss topics that are of urgent concern to your ideal customer. That takes a certain amount of planning—and a firm understanding of who you’re selling to and what they want.
Here are a few tips for developing your content strategy.
Profile your customer. You might be surprised—but it’s not uncommon for business owners to know less about their target market than they should. As an insurance agent, you should know who buys your type of insurance—factors like age, profession, income, and other relevant facts. If you don’t already have that information, take a look at your client base and develop a specific picture of who buys from you.
Know what questions they ask. Are there specific questions you find yourself addressing over and over again in your conversations with customers and prospects? Are you frequently debunking certain misconceptions around the insurance you sell? Make a list of those common questions you encounter. Writing a series of blog posts addressing them all can be a great start. Bear in mind that if customers are asking you these questions, they’re also asking search engines—so a blog post targeting each of them could boost your search traffic.
Keep an eye on the news. The insurance industry is constantly changing. Whether a natural disaster just occurred or a new regulation just came into effect, chances are there are things in the news cycle that affect your customers and the insurance you sell. Addressing those issues in your blog makes you look up-to-date on all the issues.
Pay attention to social media conversations. One way you can find out what topics are of most interest is by listening in on conversations. Once you know who your ideal customer is, check out the social media communities they hang out in and the hashtags they use. When people are unhappy with products and services, they can be quite frank about it, including on social media. This is a great way to understand things from your customer’s perspective, understand the challenges they face, and develop content that helps with those challenges.
An insurance blog can be a great help to your business—especially if it helps your customers stay informed on relevant insurance topics that impact their lives. Find out what those topics are, and you’ll be able to develop a powerful content strategy.
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