Six Ways to Make Your Insurance Website More Helpful to Prospects

These days, insurance prospects want to find the information they need immediately online, without having to call to get a quote. If they can’t get that, they’ll often move on to your competitors.

Yet many insurance agency websites are little more than glorified brochures—static sites that haven’t been updated since the 1990s. If this sounds familiar, here are some steps you can take to bring your website up to the present day—and land more business.

Make sure your website is mobile-responsive.

People aren’t just accessing your website from their desktops. According to the 2018 Statista report, approximately 52.4% of global web traffic comes from mobile devices. If your website doesn’t look good on an iPhone, you’re turning off a wealth of customers.

If your website isn’t yet mobile-responsive, it needs to be. Invest in professional help if need be—because it’ll be worth it.

Include chat-based customer service.

Customers love this feature—because they don’t have to wait in a phone queue or search through endless FAQs that may or may not answer their question.

Chat-based customer service gives customers immediate help when they think of their question—or at least the perception of it. It’s worth it to install this feature on your site.

Let people get immediate quotes from your website.

Most insurance agencies offer an immediate-quote feature. If you’re still requiring customers to call you to get a quote, you may be losing business—especially if you’re selling individual insurance.

This and the above tip are especially true if you’re aiming to get more millennial customers, who don’t like to talk on the phone and who are used to getting immediate answers to questions online. Installing these features will update your website immediately.

Update your branding.

Speaking of updates—when was the last time you gave your website a branding overhaul? If it’s been a while, you’re probably due.

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