Four Strategies to Stay Top-of-Mind With Your Insurance Prospects
Most people don’t think about buying insurance until they need to. When you contact a prospect for the first time, you may hit them right when they need a new policy—but you probably won’t get that lucky. Here are a few ways to remind your prospects about you periodically—in a pleasant, non-invasive way—to insure that when they do need insurance, you’re the first person they think of.
Send periodic emails. Email marketing is extremely effective in keeping yourself in front of your customers and prospects. Your email newsletter should be, above all, informative and helpful—provide tips for saving money on insurance, information on the state of the industry that might be relevant, or other info your prospects need. Experiment with frequency and timing to see what works best.
Stay active on social media. Keeping up with social media can feel overwhelming; it can help to block out an hour of time per week to schedule tweets and posts, interact with your followers, and stay in the conversation. Consistency is important when it comes to building a following; bear in mind that your competitors are probably visible on social media at this point, so it’s important to stay visible as well.
Send targeted mailers. We know, snail mail is so old school—but the thing is, everyone else thinks so too. That means you have less competition for your prospect’s attention in the mailbox these days than in their email. Consider sending a well-designed postcard to a very carefully targeted segment of people who might need insurance—advertising homeowners’ insurance to people who just bought a new house, for instance. The great thing about postcards is that, unlike emails, prospects can put them up on the fridge or in another visible place so they can remember to contact you when they’re ready.
Keep up with LinkedIn. Especially if you sell commercial insurance, a lot of your prospects can be found on LinkedIn. Periodically post articles to keep top-of-mind with prospects you’ve encountered here. Everyone in your network gets notified when you post an article, so you’ll continually remind them that you’re out there—and exactly what your expertise is.
Staying top-of-mind doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Commit an hour per week to manage your social media; plan targeted mailers; send out an email newsletter; and publish on LinkedIn to stay visible to your prospects there. If you do, you have a better chance of being the person they think of when they’re ready to buy insurance.
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