Nailing the Conversation: Five Tips to Better Insurance Sales
A successful insurance sale often starts with a conversation. And that conversation is crucial to landing a sale. Here are a few tips for making sure it goes the way you want—with a new customer at the end.
Build rapport. Telling someone to “build rapport” is kind of like telling them to “be funny—” easier said than done. But people often buy from insurance agents based on trust, and taking some time to build that initial connection is crucial. If humor isn’t your strength, look for things in common—family, hobbies, interests—and spend some time building a connection based on that. Taking time to help the prospect see you as a whole person—and seeing them that way as well—can help strengthen a relationship that leads to a sale.
Know your prospect’s pain point. Maybe it’s price, or coverage, or bad service at their existing insurance company—whatever it is, there’s a reason your prospect agreed to talk to you. Knowing your prospect’s major concern about buying insurance can help you address that concern—and land the sale.
Know your competition. What other insurance options is your prospect considering? Who are the major competitors in this line of insurance? Doing your homework can help a lot—you can get a sense of what those competitors offer and what they don’t; where your policies shine; and the points of differentiation. You’ll be able to have an honest conversation with your prospects about what they’re likely to get with your competitors and with you.
Listen. Often, making the sale involves asking a few pointed questions and listening to your prospect’s response. Taking the time to understand their needs is crucial—but so is making the prospect feel listened to. This is a powerful differentiator—if a prospect speaks with several different insurance agents but you’re the one who really listens, they’re highly likely to buy from you.
Understand the prospect’s objections. Everyone has reasons not to buy insurance. What are your prospect’s reasons? It can be of great help to make a list before any sales conversation takes place of all the reasons people say no—whether that’s price, coverage, convenience, or another factor—and planning out your responses beforehand.
For insurance agents, a single conversation can make or break a sale. Doing your homework beforehand is key—understanding your prospect’s objections, your competitors’ offers, and other factors—but so is listening in the moment and taking time to understand your prospect’s unique pain points. With these tips, you should be able to clinch the sale—and drive business growth.
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