New Years Resolutions for Insurance Agents in 2017
2016 wasn’t an easy year for everyone, but hopefully you saw some successes in the past year. The New Year is a great time to assess how far you’ve come, the achievements and setbacks you experienced, and where you want to go in the next twelve months. Here are a few resolutions for insurance agents in the coming year.
Update your website. Now might be the time to give your website a makeover. It’s a good idea to assess your SEO, your web content strategy, and your branding as well as whether your content is up to date. Most people shopping for insurance these days will check out your website first—so it’s crucial to keep it updated and in excellent shape.
Revamp or start your social media presence. If you’re late to the social media game, you’re missing out. Social media provides an effective and largely free platform to reach large numbers of prospects, and in many instances your messaging can be targeted. Take some time to discover which platforms attract the people you serve, and adopt a marketing strategy that includes one or two of those platforms to start with in the new year.
Reach out to your customers. The most likely predictor of whether someone will do business with you is whether they have before. This year, take stock of your customer base and design a marketing outreach strategy targeting those who already work with you. Identify a way you can bring them value—by helping them update their coverage, save money on premiums, or improve the coverage they have.
Make more community connections. Don’t let a focus on social media or online marketing keep you from going out into the world and making connections. This year, make a commitment to forge relationships in your community that can lead to new business. Join your local Small Business Association, go to insurance-related events, sponsor an activity in your town, or connect with other business owners who offer complementary services for cross-promotional opportunities.
Build an email marketing list. If you don’t already have a strong list for email marketing, there’s no better time than the present to start. A good email marketing list can be pure gold. There are many different strategies for accomplishing this—from adding an opt-in form on your website to networking and building connections at in-person events.
2017 has the potential to be an amazing year. Take some time to assess your progress in the previous year, identify your successes and challenges, and decide what you need to do in the new year to get your agency where you want it to go. With proper planning, you can accomplish all your goals—and grow your business in the new year.
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