Get Involved! Four Ways to Build Exposure for Your Insurance Agency— In the Community You Serve
For many insurance agencies, most business is local business. True, maximizing your insurance marketing efforts and social media strategy is important—but you can also make connections, and generate revenue, by rolling up your sleeves and getting involved in the community around you. Here are just a few ideas to help you and your employees get out of the office and get involved.
Start a volunteer program. Build exposure in the community by starting a program that lets your employees volunteer locally. Reach out to some local nonprofits to see where the opportunities are. Maybe your employees could volunteer in an adult education classroom, help with a local cleanup effort, or form a team to participate in a local walkathon. Offer incentives for employees to participate—or let them take ownership by choosing their own volunteer projects. When your community sees the volunteer spirit embodied by your employees, it’s sure to make a positive impression.
Sponsor a team or activity. You can also show your community support through sponsorship. There are a range of sponsoring activities your company could do, from donating to your local public radio station to sponsoring a kids’ team or lending financial support to a community improvement initiative. Be sure your sponsorship effort is advertised so people know about it—and see how your company is spending money to support the community.
Forge local partnerships. Talk to other local business owners to find opportunities for cross-promotion. Maybe a local restaurant would be willing to offer a discount to your current clients if you were to refer them. And in exchange they can refer their customers to you for their insurance needs.
Ask your customers for ideas. You could choose opportunities to volunteer on your own, or you could crowdsource it. Ask your followers on social media where they see a need for volunteers—and where in your community you should send your team next. Getting your customers and audience involved is a great way to publicize your efforts and build a reputation for civic responsibility.
Whatever outreach efforts you plan, be sure to publicize them. Announce your volunteer efforts on social media; take lots of pictures and encourage employees to talk about the activities on their own social media accounts. If you sponsor, be sure the organization you support announces or advertises your sponsorship. Look for business partnerships where your partner companies will be active in promoting your business—and do the same in return. If you do, your community is sure to notice your efforts—and your business will grow.
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