Four Ways Insurance Agents can Get The Most Out of Facebook
Over a billion people use Facebook—and chances are, most of your customers are on the site as well. This makes it a powerful and essential marketing tool. You might use Facebook yourself to keep in touch with friends and family—and it’s a natural extension to use it to keep connected to customers.
However, transitioning from using Facebook for personal reasons to using it as a marketer isn’t always as easy as it should be. Here are some marketing ideas for insurance agents in engaging your customers on Facebook—and making sure they keep you in mind for their insurance needs.
Hold a question-and-answer session. Insurance is complicated—and chances are, your customers and prospects have questions. Hold a regular “Ask an Insurance Agent” event on your Facebook wall, and invite your connections to post their questions. This will not only boost engagement from regular customers; it will also encourage prospects to see you as an expert and think of you first when they need to buy insurance.
Show your community involvement. Insurance agents do a lot of local business. Show your involvement in the community by posting announcements for local events—maybe events you’re sponsoring, or just those you’re excited about; congratulating local high school athletes or artists; or highlighting a favorite local business.
Post humorous pics or news related to your line of insurance. Facebook is a great place to show off your sense of humor. In the car insurance business? Post a funny car accident picture. Sell homeowners’ insurance? Share some of the most unexpected or strange claims you’ve heard of. Keep the tone light and humorous, and never share personal or potentially identifiable details—but showing the humorous side of a business many see as dry and boring can make you likeable online.
Offer rewards for posts. Just saved a client a bunch of money? Offer them a gift card with a local partner business or a similar, small gift if they’ll post about it on their wall. This is extremely effective advertising—it’s coming from a personal friend or family member, not an impersonal company. It costs less than advertising in local publications, too.
Facebook can be an extremely powerful marketing tool for insurance agents. Don’t be afraid to show your own personality and sense of humor—and you’ll be able to get Facebook to work for your business.
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