Arizona Small Commercial - Made Easy
Are you in need of commercial markets that allow online quoting and issuance? Look no further!
Hiscox offers professional services businesses a new way to buy small business insurance. They don’t offer a one-size-fits-all insurance plan. They tailor their small business insurance coverage to the customer’s needs, allowing the ability to change coverage as the business changes. They specialize in protecting IT/technology, marketing, consulting and many other professional service businesses, tailoring coverage to the specific risks in each industry. Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. is rated ‘A’ (Excellent) by A.M. Best and The Hiscox Group is a global insurer with over 100 years' experience in insuring businesses.
Are you in need of commercial markets that allow online quoting and issuance? Look no further!
We are excited to announce that our partnership with Hiscox NOW is being extended to Appulate!
Summertime is here! To kick things off, we're offering up to $550 in* Gift Cards** Want to get started? Quote NOW!
How does it work? Simple! Bind any class of business, and we'll track your progress through August 31, 2018. Payouts will be issued via email, during the week of September 3rd. Here's how the payout works:
J.E. Brown have partnered with some of the leading specialists in the professional liability world. We now represent eight distinguished insurance carriers for professional liability. Our A rated companies provide package and mono-line policies, as well as modular options to tailor coverage for unique risks. Whether it’s a client claiming the insured breached terms of a contract, or a merchant bank claiming the same when one of its clients has a credit card breach, our companies provide coverage for more than just negligence.
J.E. Brown has partnered with Hiscox NOW to offer you a quick and easy way to Quote and BIND small business insurance online, in minutes! Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. is ‘A’ rated (Excellent) by A.M. Best. 23 additional classes are eligible for BOP as of Jan 2018!
Just added: PL & GL coverage for Insurance Agents!
What is our appetite for Insurance Agents?
The HiscoxNow small business program offering just became more broad! With the introduction of coverage for Retail, Janitorial, and Landscape operations, HiscoxNow can consider over 150 classes of business. download the complete appetite guide Or start your quote now! Here are the highlights:
Hiscox NOW recently expanded their appetite to include General Liability coverage for interior contractors, exterior contractors, and installation and repair contractors. To learn more about covered professions, coverage details, and claim scenarios, please download our artisan contractor handout PDF
Instant, paperless bind available for (but not limited to):
Hiscox NOW specializes in providing coverage for architects & engineers! Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. is ‘A’ rated (Excellent) by A.M. Best
Login to Single Sign On (SSO) to begin your quote today!
Admitted Monoline or Package Policies Available
Target Classes
While Hiscox NOW has made closing coverage online fast and simple, we understand selling coverage to your clients can still be a challenge
In an effort to make selling easier we are creating Sell Sheets for our top quoted professions within the industries we cover.
Sell sheets include, BY PROFESSION:
• Available products
• Average premium
• Key coverage customization(s)
• Most common lawsuits
• Claims examples
• And much more