How to Check In on Your Insurance Customers During the Pandemic

Despite all the other news lately, the pandemic is still happening—and in many places, it’s getting worse. Your customers doubtless have a lot on their minds. So how do you communicate effectively with them in these challenging times?

First, consider what do your customers need right now—and what issues are keeping them up at night.

Set Up an Insurance Business Facebook Page (in Five Easy Steps)

According to Facebook’s own operational report, the platform had 1.73 billion daily active users in March 2020—and that number keeps going up.

Facebook may not be the first platform you think of when considering where to network as an insurance agent or broker—LinkedIn tends to be the preferred platform for those in the insurance industry.

However, chances are everyone in your target audience is on Facebook—and it has great capacity for targeted advertising. So it’s worthwhile to maintain a presence there.

Here’s how to set up your business Facebook page.

Three Steps to Retaining Your Insurance Customers

Did you know that the insurance industry has the highest new customer acquisition cost of any industry? It costs as much as nine times more for an insurance company to gain a new customer than it does to keep an existing one.

That’s why it’s so important for insurance agents to focus on keeping their existing customers happy—this may be even more important than bringing in new business. Here are three tips for keeping your customers loyal.

Streamline how you bring new customers on board

How to Help Your Team Transition to Working From Home

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a large fraction of the workforce has had to transition to working from home—and this isn’t an easy or intuitive transition for everyone, even if the basic functions of your job can be done anywhere.

It can be particularly difficult for those who manage other employees, especially if you’ve never managed a remote team before.

Here are some tips for helping your team—and yourself—make a smooth transition to the home office.

Six Steps to Growing Your Insurance Business

If you’re struggling to grow your insurance business, maybe it’s time to get back to basics. Here are six steps any insurance agent can turn to—no matter how long you’ve been running your business—to encourage positive growth.

  1. Know what your goals are

Before you start developing a new marketing strategy, you need to know what you want to get out of it. Ideally, these goals would be specific, measurable, possible, and tied to a deadline: For instance, “I will generate 200 new leads by August 10.”

Five Tips for Writing Subject Lines That People Click On

Your subject line is the first thing people see when your email appears in their inbox—and it has to attract attention. It’s competing for your prospect’s time with everything else in their inbox, some of it urgent, as well as the rest of the Internet.

Here are a few tips for getting readers to open your emails—despite all that competition.

Best Practices for Social Media—if You’re an Insurance Agent

Social media marketing can be a great tool to generate referrals. No matter who your target market is, they’re on social media—whether it’s commercial prospects on LinkedIn or a commercial market on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. With a little creativity and knowledge of your market, you can see great results on social media.

Should Insurance Agents Advertise on Billboards

How many ads would you say you look at a day? Five? Ten?

If you believe this article by Forbes, the average is actually between 4,000 and 10,000 ads per day.

Billboards are part of the ad marketing mix in most states. An OOH (Out of Home) marketing tactic, billboards have been around for decades—and yes, they’re still effective. They can help cut through the clutter of the thousands of ads people see in a day—and reach your intended audience.

Four DIY SEO Tactics For Your Insurance Website in 2020

If you’re not getting a lot of traffic from search results, there are a few on-site changes you can make that will help your SEO—and you don’t need to hire an expensive SEO expert to do it. Here are four steps you can take yourself that will help your SEO in 2020.

Do your keyword research. What terms do people use to look for what you sell on Google? Keyword research involves identifying the most-used search terms people type into Google when they’re looking for, say, homeowners insurance.

Best Practices to Elevate Customer Service for Insurance Agencies

According to a study by American Express, one in three customers say it only takes a single experience of poor customer service to make them switch companies. Today’s customer has high expectations, and customer service is more important than ever.

Insurance agents often face specific challenges in delivering great customer service. Buying insurance can often be a fraught experience for customers; terms can be confusing for the uninitiated and it can be difficult to understand pricing.

How to Keep Networking During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With many business gatherings and events canceled in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are letting networking fall by the wayside. But for many insurance professionals, networking is a key part of doing business.

You don’t have to put all your networking on hold if you’re under a stay-at-home order. You can take your networking online—and hopefully build stronger and more diverse connections that will serve you well once things return to normal.

Here are a few ideas.

Are Your Testimonials Pulling Their Weight?

Testimonials. Marketing pros will tell you that you need them no matter what business you’re in.

According to some studies, testimonials are rated at 89% effective—higher than any other form of content marketing.

Developing a strategy to ask for testimonials from your customers can be a crucial part of your marketing. But some testimonials are more powerful than others. How do you make sure the testimonials you’re getting promote your business effectively?

Staying Connected to Your Insurance Customers During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Strong customer relationships are the foundation of successful business for many insurance agents. But in the midst of a global pandemic, how do you keep your relationships with customers strong?

Chances are, your customers are all facing a certain amount of upheaval in their lives, and it all stems from the same source. But you can still maintain your presence in their lives—and possibly help alleviate that stress. Here’s how.

How to Sell Insurance to Small Businesses

Selling insurance to small business owners can be its own special challenge. Individual owners often have considerable risk exposure, as a larger business would—but without the same resources, in terms of money or time, to research or buy the coverage they need.

But the potential for business in this market is great: according to the US Small Businesses Profile, there were approximately 30 million small businesses in the United States as of 2018. All of them need some form of insurance.

Should Your Insurance Agency Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Pay-per-click (or PPC) advertising is a type of online advertising in which you pay every time a user clicks on your ad. The most common kind is paid search, where your ad appears at the top of search results for a keyword you choose.

PPC advertising is a quick and easy way to get your website at the top of search results, and it does generate traffic—but it also costs money. Here are a few things to consider when deciding whether to try PPC.

Three Ways to Bring in Business From Your Community

With so much emphasis on digital marketing these days, it can be tempting to just stay behind your computer screen when you’re promoting your insurance business.

But you can also generate income by forging ties in your local community—and this can be incredibly rewarding. According to Nielsen, approximately 92% of people are likely to trust referrals from those they know and trust.

Here are a few ways you can get out of the office and make a contribution to your local community—that can also bring in business.

How to Email Your Prospects According to the Buying Cycle

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels for any business—including insurance. According to Hubspot, 91% of customers want to hear from the companies they buy from via email. It’s a great way to nurture and retain your customers while maintaining brand loyalty.

However, as effective as email is as a marketing option, it’s important to be strategic about the types of emails you send—and when. One way to strategize and organize your email marketing campaign is according to the buying cycle.

Three Steps to Effective Drip Marketing Campaigns for Insurance

If you’re like many insurance agents, you don’t have time to hand-nurture every lead. That’s where drip marketing campaigns come in.

These email marketing campaigns involve sending a series of pre-written messages over a period of time to a prospect, nurturing them through your sales funnel. The whole process is automated, so once it’s set up, all you have to do is turn it on.

Here are a few tips for setting up and running your own drip campaigns.

Know what you want to get out of it

Five Creative Holiday Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agencies

Let’s face it: most of your target audience is not going to be thinking about insurance during the holidays. But that doesn’t mean you should take a break from outreach. It just means shifting your tactics.

The holiday season is a great time to reach out and engage with your community—both locally and online. Here are a few ideas for keeping the conversation going during the holiday season.