Vacant Buildings - Commercial & Residential

Buildings can become vacant for a variety of reasons, and we can help! Whether it's short-term between tenants, or long-term renovations, we have solutions. Vacant land? No problem! We have five A rated carriers writing both admitted and non-admitted policies.

Commercial Risks

Coverages Highlights
General Liability $1M/$2M Fast and simple – online application
Property value up to $3M (PC 1-8) Risks up to 250,000 sq ft.
Excess GL up to $5M A++ Rated Carrier
BPP to 20% of building or $100K 3, 6, 9, & 12 mo terms

Residential Risks

Coverages Highlights
TIV to $3M Fast and simple – quote online
Liability to $1M 3, 6, 9, & 12 mo terms
Personal property up to $100K Admitted & Non-Admitted
V&MM Flexible underwriting
DP-1 & DP-3 Online Binding (not all carriers)