Staying Connected to Your Insurance Customers During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Strong customer relationships are the foundation of successful business for many insurance agents. But in the midst of a global pandemic, how do you keep your relationships with customers strong?
Chances are, your customers are all facing a certain amount of upheaval in their lives, and it all stems from the same source. But you can still maintain your presence in their lives—and possibly help alleviate that stress. Here’s how.
Stay consistent. In this time of upheaval, consistency is key. If you’ve been procrastinating on this, now is a great time to set up and automate a content strategy using tools like MailChimp, Later, or Hootsuite.
Taking this step ahead of time means that if things get hectic in your own life, your content strategy and outreach can continue as scheduled.
Focus on your customers’ needs. Everyone in the country and around the world is currently dealing with the same pandemic—and our pain points are unusually similar. Consider how your knowledge and expertise can help your customers in a time like this—and plan your content around that.
This doesn’t mean constantly talking about the coronavirus, however. Even if you’re just sending something funny or uplifting to take people’s minds off their troubles, that can be valuable to your customers.
Talk about how you’re managing. It’s okay to be real in this difficult time. How are you managing quarantine? What recipes are you cooking? How are your employees, family members, and pets holding up?
Insurance can sometimes be an overly formal industry, but that isn’t always the most effective image to cultivate if you want to build close relationships. A more personal tone helps humanize you—and since everyone is developing their own coping strategies these days, talking about yours is highly relatable.
Discuss how your office is managing. Since a large number of businesses across the country have closed their doors, your customers may not even realize you’re still open for business. You should definitely let them know what your status is.
Is your office currently working from home? Are you still taking calls from customers? Are there any changes in your office hours? What services do you still have, and which ones are on hold?
Make sure your customers know that they can still get in touch with you if they need to.
It’s not easy keeping a sense of normality in the midst of a pandemic. But by keeping your outreach consistent and dependable, building a content strategy around a useful and relatable tone, and making sure your customers know you’re still there for them, you can strengthen relationships both during and after the pandemic.
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