How to Email Your Prospects According to the Buying Cycle

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels for any business—including insurance. According to Hubspot, 91% of customers want to hear from the companies they buy from via email. It’s a great way to nurture and retain your customers while maintaining brand loyalty.

However, as effective as email is as a marketing option, it’s important to be strategic about the types of emails you send—and when. One way to strategize and organize your email marketing campaign is according to the buying cycle.

Many people who visit your website aren’t ready to buy from you. Some are just conducting research—they may want a quote to compare with other insurance plans they’re considering, or need more information. Send them a hard sell during this phase of the cycle, and you may lose them.

Here are three types of emails you should send according to different stages of a customer’s buying cycle.

New sign-ups are just at the beginning stage of the buy cycle. They’re conducting research and gathering information.

Send them a welcome email to establish a positive tone of communication; personalize it; and offer something of value—a link to a page where they can get an instant quote, for instance, or a blog post offering info on a type of insurance they’ve expressed interest in. Hold off on the hard sell.

Mature sign-ups have stayed on your list past the initial welcome stage. These subscribers may not be ready to buy—yet—but they can be nurtured along.

Continue to provide value. Set up a series of emails that offer informative content based on what they’re interested in; highlight the types of services and insurance you sell; and focus on tips the customer will find interesting.

The underlying focus is to get the customer to take some action. That might include getting a free quote, contacting an agent, or clicking on a link to download a report.

Sign-ups who’ve taken an action are more ready to buy. At this stage, it’s a good time to send emails that provide a specific offer, details about the policy they’re interested in, or other information specifically targeted toward making a sale. This should be focused on the type of insurance they’ve shown an interest in.

Timing is everything. If you can send the right email at the right time to your subscribers based on their point in the buying cycle, you’re likely to see an increase in response—and business.

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