Four Tips for Creating an Insurance Sell Sheet that Works
A sell sheet is a single-page, double-sided sales document—usually in 8.5 x 11” size—that lays out the details of your product or service in simple, easy-to-understand terms. More concise than a brochure and more detailed than a postcard, they’re ideal for any situation where you have to explain a complex product concisely.
Of course, sales sheets only work when they’re done well. Here are a few tips to ensure that when you hand your insurance prospect a sales sheet, it actually gets attention, conveys the message you want, and persuades your prospect to say yes.
Keep it simple. You sell a lot of insurance products. Don’t try to fit them all on one sales sheet. The way you break down your products depends on who you’re likely to hand this sheet to—and what complementary types of coverage they need. You may want to cover only one product, or only one subset of complementary products. The idea is to make what you offer—and its benefits—easy to understand at a glance, not explain everything on one sheet.
Know who you’re talking to. Don’t expect to create a single sales sheet to talk to every type of prospect you work with. Your sales sheet should speak only to one type of prospect—so you keep your message clear and focused. Know who buys the product you’re highlighting, what their concerns are, and what buying objections they have—that you can counter.
Know your competition. You aren’t the first one to think of using sales sheets. Chances are, your competitors are also doing it—and it’s important to know how they describe their products and service so you can set yours apart. Collect some of your competitors’ sales sheets, see what they’re offering and what they’re not, and notice what they don’t say about themselves—that your audience is looking for.
Include a call to action. Your sales sheet won’t bring you any results if you don’t know exactly what action you want your prospect to take—and ask them to do it. Make it easy, and know what actions your prospects are more likely to want to take—for instance, an older prospect might feel more comfortable picking up a phone and giving you a call, while someone younger might prefer to connect with you via email or on social media.
Ideally, your sales sheet can be a very effective sales tool. But not all are created equally. If you can simplify your message, consider your audience, and create a sales sheet that differentiates you from the competition, you’ll be well on your way to creating a sales sheet that does the hard work of selling for you.
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