Six Low-Budget Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agents
Marketing your business doesn’t have to be expensive. There are plenty of ways to get the word out, build an audience, get traffic to your website, and generate leads that don’t have to cost a cent. Here are a few ideas.
Run a webinar. Do some research to find out where your prospects’ biggest insurance-related pain points are—and film a webinar that helps them solve that problem. Webinars are great for building your expert reputation, generating highly qualified leads, and attracting traffic and attention online—and you can produce a high-quality webinar for free using platforms such as Google Hangouts On Air.
Write a guest blog post. If you aren’t drawing a big audience yet on your own blog, you can reach a wider one by writing for someone else’s. Make contact with another blogger in the insurance space who talks to the same audience you do. This will raise your authority, generate new traffic, and put you in front of a wider group of potential leads.
Reach out to industry media. Check out insurance-related publications that might need subject matter experts to quote for articles. Journalists are always looking for knowledgeable people to lend expertise to topics, and this can help position you as an expert. You can list the articles where you are quoted on your website and elsewhere, building your profile.
Build a referral system. Do you have an established system to drive referrals to you? People are much more likely to buy based on recommendations from people they know and trust. It’s worth any insurance agent’s time to build an easily-repeatable referral and reward system that’s almost automatic—so you don’t have to remember to ask. This can be integrated into your existing processes for on-boarding and working with clients.
Develop an email marketing campaign. Email marketing campaigns can be very effective in driving leads—and there are plenty of free platforms that let you easily design email templates, send messages to segmented lists, and track results. Develop an automated campaign that targets existing customers, prospects you lost track of, or groups of people who have demonstrated an interest in a specific product—and chances are you’ll generate some leads.
Pick a social media platform to focus on. If you’re not already on social media, establish a presence on one or two platforms—such as Twitter and LinkedIn—and devote a little time to it each day. Social media can take a while to bring in leads, but it can do a lot to raise your profile and help you access a broader audience.
Your marketing efforts don’t have to cost a lot. Use social media, email marketing, webinars, guest blogs, and a solid referral strategy to boost your qualified leads—and increase your bottom line. Even picking one or two of these techniques to focus on in the next few months could generate positive results—without costing you a dime.
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