Insurance Agents: How to Work a Trade Show
Trade shows can be a great place to drum up business. But getting a good return on your investment can take some thought and strategy. Whether you’re exhibiting or attending with the hope of meeting new customers, here are a few thoughts on getting the most from your experience.
Pick the right show. Not all trade shows are created equally. Talk to other insurance agents who have attended various shows, and do your research to find out which would make the most sense to you. It may not be shows in the insurance industry, if you sell commercial lines insurance, for example—look for shows that will attract a large number of people who need the kind of insurance you sell.
Location is everything. Signing up early for booth space can pay off in the long run. Not only can you often get discounts for early signup, but you’ll be more likely to score a premium spot. Pick a spot in a high-traffic area; look for large corporate exhibitors who are most likely going to attract a lot of visitors.
Know what you want to get out of the show. Contacts? Business? A chance to talk to one or two high-profile prospects you’d love to work with? Whatever you want to get out of it, know what it is—and develop a specific plan to make it happen.
Bring at least one colleague. You’ll want your booth manned at all times—but you’ll also want time to walk the floor and connect with people. Having at least two people at the show is essential. You can spot each other for bathroom and meal breaks, and split a full day shift so that both of you are rested and energetic.
Give a lot of thought to your giveaway. A great giveaway can really give your booth a boost. Look for creative ideas that are not only interesting, but useful—something people will most likely keep around.
Keep your game face on. Anyone working in the booth is giving a performance. Booth employees must be well-groomed, friendly, approachable, and focused on the visitors. Avoid chewing gum, eating in the booth, sitting or taking breaks in the booth, checking your phone, or talking to your partner rather than focusing on visitors.
Bring lots of business cards, postcards, and brochures. Brochures are great for giving out at the booth. When you’re walking around, postcards might be a better bet. They’re lighter, and you can focus your message on specific types of insurance you sell. As for business cards, bring at least twice as many as you believe you’ll hand out. You can never have too many business cards.
If you do it right, you can get a lot of business from trade shows. But it takes some preparation. Be sure you pick the right show, get in early to grab a good spot, and give a lot of thought to your giveaway. Ensure there’s someone manning the booth at all times—you’ll need at least two people to make sure all booth employees are well rested and the booth stays open while someone takes a break. With a little preparation, you should be able to get more out of the trade show than you put in.
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