Seven Ways to Use Twitter for Your Insurance Business
Twitter offers a great opportunity for insurance agents to market themselves. It’s free, it reaches a broad audience, and it gives you the chance to put a concise, powerful message out there. But there are rules and best practices for getting the most out of Twitter for your business. Here are a few tips.
Know why you’re on Twitter. Is it to get a certain number of followers? To foster a feeling of community? To connect with a very specific audience of ideal buyers? Knowing why you’re on Twitter and what you hope to get out of it can help you build your strategy.
Provide content of value. Give some thought to your tweets. Be sure they are useful in some way, interesting, or significant. Be aware of the action you want your followers to take. If you retweet something from someone else, be sure it’s of high quality and reflects positively on your brand.
Keep connected to your other properties. Be sure your Twitter profile links to your company website or blog, and that your other online properties provide a link to your Twitter profile. This way, you can keep your branding strategy blended and ensure people can find you on all platforms.
Use #hashtags. Hashtags are keywords with a hash mark placed in front. These help users categorize and find tweets that are of interest to them. You can use hashtags to make your tweets more visible and findable in searches, but don’t overload with them—they can get obnoxious if you use them for every other word. Stick to using hashtags only for keywords that are relevant in the insurance industry and that your target audience might search for. Do a search on Twitter for hashtags you plan to use to see what other content comes up.
Make connections. Connect with people you want to do business with, or other industry leaders you’d love to meet. Engage them in conversation. Retweet and favorite their tweets. Avoid overloading them—but have a list of people you want to keep engaged with, and be sure you make a connection with them on Twitter every so often.
Be positive and approachable. Be sure your bio is fun and interesting in the little space you have. Don’t tweet constantly about insurance—it’s okay to be a little more loose on Twitter, and talk about the news, quotes, and other personal interests, with the obvious exception of staying away from anything political or polarizing. Always keep your tone positive.
Handle customer service issues publicly. Some customers use Twitter to call out companies about customer service issues. The more graciously you handle this type of event, the better you’ll look online.
Twitter can be a great platform for insurance agents. It lets you keep in touch with prospects, find out what topics are of interest to the people you sell to, and make valuable industry connections. With these steps, you should be able to build up a positive, powerful platform on Twitter.
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