Social Media Strategies for Time-Strapped Insurance Agents
Making time for social media can be the biggest challenge for many insurance agents in using it effectively. But there are plenty of ways to minimize the time spent on social media while still getting a lot out of it. Here are a few ways to use it effectively — without letting it take over your life.
Choose a small number of platforms. Trying to be everywhere at once is one of the most common mistakes people make when they’re new to social media. You’ll get much more out of your efforts if, rather than opening four or five accounts and barely using any of them, you put real effort into one or two.
Make it part of your routine. Many people say they don’t have time for social media. But do you have time to read the newspaper in the morning? Staying on top of your social media doesn't have to take much more time than your morning coffee routine. Taking twenty minutes of your day in the morning to respond to messages, scan recent headlines, and schedule posts before your day starts to get busy can do a lot for your social media.
Use social media tools and apps. There are plenty of tools out there for almost any social media platform. For instance, Hootsuite is a lifesaver for scheduling posts ahead of time on Twitter — and you can also connect it to your LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media accounts. If you’re on LinkedIn, check out CardMunch — a tool that lets you take a picture of a business card with your phone and transcribes it automatically as a digital contact.
Use Google Alerts to keep up with the industry. Not sure what to talk about? You could spend an hour searching the web for interesting topics to discuss on your social media platforms. Or you could set up a Google alert that will email you new articles pertaining to your end of the insurance industry every day.
Social media doesn't have to be time-consuming. There are plenty of strategies for staying on top of it without letting it take over your day. Spending just ten or twenty minutes per day, or an hour or two per week, on your social media will work wonders.
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